I have been super busy with my little girlies in town for a visit! Loving every minute of it but boy..... not as easy to chase after these little ones as it used to be! Having oh so much fun tho. I am in a frenzy right now getting everything ready for our week long beach excursion. I admit I have a serious case of ocd about alot of things! Any who, I did not want to miss a chance to post some of my favorite white things of the week. Savannah took a serious bubble bath in my jacuzzi and she was thrilled with all the bubbles it cooked up for her! It is my favorite time of year in the garden and my gardenia's have started to bloom! oh! I wish you could smell them.They are truly beautiful but its the heavenly scent that makes them my favorite! I have served them up on my favorite white platter next to a favorite little white crusty hen.Hope you are having a wonderful wednesday everyone!